Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Refreshing Tired Spaces

The weekend was busy for me. I overcommitted and under-slept. As a result I crashed in a heap at about 2:30 on a Monday afternoon, right in the middle of a meeting. There was no hope for the rest of the afternoon, but I managed turn this one around with a restful day following. I dedicated some of the day to cleaning and preparing my practice space at home.

Drawing on a focus from this term's class; Sauca, I gave the room I practice in a good clean and reset the small meditation space I had created some time ago but neglected somewhat since.

Later I did some searching around for articles on this and came up with following:

  1. Altar your Yoga Space
  2. Ideas for a Sacred Space
  3. How to Create a Sacred Space

There is not too much I would like to add to my small area, however I hope to come across some ideas in the coming weeks. Here is a list of what I have:

Ganesha Statue
Some stones of various sorts
A musical frog, who I call Grena
Sometimes a Candle
Sometimes some incense
Table Cloth that needs some work

I have had fun doing this and it has helped me to gain a better perspective on things in addition to refreshing my practice.

When last did you refresh your practice or perhaps your outlook in this way? Were you overdue or is it a routine you have well embedded?

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